Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do we really vote to the right president?

I agree with Mr.Najib in his blog "Will Obama Become President?" which is saying that Sen.Obama has the qualifications to get the votes for him to become our President leader, I mean me myself think that he's a better candidate than Sen.McCain but it's still too early to say that he has the ability of being a good US president because we don't know yet. He still has to prove that he's really gonna do all of the promises that he has said earlier while he was doing the campaign and able to handle all the problems that are going on while he is being the president. If we look at this blog, it seems that Obama is a perfect president candidate because the writer only mention all of the good things about him. From what I read in POLITICO, it says that in interviews, strategists in both parties pointed to four big vulnerabilities: Obama’s inexperience, the thinness of his policy record, his frank liberalism in a time when the party needs centrist voters and the wealth of targets that are provided by the personal recollections in his first book, from past drug use to conversations that cannot be documented, and some top Republicans think the party would have a better chance with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., as the nominee, since she is a known quantity while Obama can try to define himself as anything he wants. I really hope that we choose the right president this year. This country needs a good leader who not only cares about himself but the sake of this country.

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