Monday, December 8, 2008

We Need a Change in Our Government

I read one of my classmate's blog which title is Here's Our Chance and I agree with his argument that saying we all need to go vote in the presidential election for our own sake. I think he is succesful in encouraging people to vote by sharing his own experience which many teenagers like me are most likely experience the same thing. I used to be one of that kind of person who doesn't care much about politics and think that voting is just a waste of time, but as I have grown up I started to see things in different ways and start to realized that we need to use our right to vote if we want to have a better future for this country and for our own. In his article, Loman was talking the same thing and according to his blog, it seems like his target audience is teenagers or college students who never participate in voting. He wants to open the mind's eye of some people especially all the teenagers who are in his age that they can make a difference in this country by joining the vote. We have to change our mind setting and be an informed citizen, that's what this country is really need right now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I really concerned about our economic crisis we're facing in our country right now. I'm afraid things will get worse and worse if we don't take the right action to this problem. I can see that our new president is trying to make things better. I'm glad that he hasn't raised the tax until now, and I think that's a good sign, but he still needs to come out with a smart plan of how we handle this financial crisis. From what I read in NRO, Larry Kudlow stated that the wish list of Democratic spending initiatives includes short-term tax rebates, massive new transportation bills, even more education money, exotic green-technology spending, a big-government embrace of health care, and heaps of cash for UAW-Detroit carmakers won't stimulate economic growth. We need some investments and better plan than that. This is the best time for President Obama to prove to America and the world that he's the right man to be US president and not McCain. We choose him because we put hope in him that he can lead us out of this problem. Things get really hard in my country since this recession also affect my country's economy. The rate of US dollar currency in Rupiah(Indonesian's currency) are getting really high and it's very hard for my parents to pay my living cost and tuition fee here. world has to endure the consequences of the mess that US government has made in the past. So, I really hope that Bush and Obama can work this thing out together for the sake of this country and the world.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do we really vote to the right president?

I agree with Mr.Najib in his blog "Will Obama Become President?" which is saying that Sen.Obama has the qualifications to get the votes for him to become our President leader, I mean me myself think that he's a better candidate than Sen.McCain but it's still too early to say that he has the ability of being a good US president because we don't know yet. He still has to prove that he's really gonna do all of the promises that he has said earlier while he was doing the campaign and able to handle all the problems that are going on while he is being the president. If we look at this blog, it seems that Obama is a perfect president candidate because the writer only mention all of the good things about him. From what I read in POLITICO, it says that in interviews, strategists in both parties pointed to four big vulnerabilities: Obama’s inexperience, the thinness of his policy record, his frank liberalism in a time when the party needs centrist voters and the wealth of targets that are provided by the personal recollections in his first book, from past drug use to conversations that cannot be documented, and some top Republicans think the party would have a better chance with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., as the nominee, since she is a known quantity while Obama can try to define himself as anything he wants. I really hope that we choose the right president this year. This country needs a good leader who not only cares about himself but the sake of this country.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We Gotta change our mind-setting if we really want to have a better future for this country

during this presidential campaign, we might hear a lot of promising words from both of our president candidates. It was the same like 4 years ago back when Bush was running for the election against John F. Kerry. Many people feel disappointed with Bush government as we can see clearly now that we did vote for the wrong president 4 years ago. There are 2 things that people will remember from his government, the recession ( the world economics crisis) and Iraq war. None of them are good. Many people oppposed his decision when he declared a war with Iraq, I mean why would we fight for other people's freedom and peace while we still have a lot of people suffering in our own country? I don't blame those who don't join the voting this year for they're hopeless with the future of this country. Everytime we vote for a new president hoping that this time would bring a light for this country ,it always turn out to be another "disaster". I don't say they're right for not voting though. I have to admit that America has had bad leaders, but it doesn't mean Americans are bad people. I still feel we have a hope for this country if we work it out together. Maybe we should start to change our mind setting first,if we want our leader to be changed because who's gonna be the next leader is in our decision and not anyone else. During this election, the situation is a little bit different since this is the first time we have a black person running for president candidate. Almost most people may see America as a freedom country which I don't completely agree with that statement. I think there are some countries who have as much freedom as we have. In fact, racialism is still exist in this country even it's not obvious but I'm sure all of us can feel it between us. We can see from the voting survey this lately, there are numbers of people who vote based on their race. I really hope people in this country can be an open-minded person who doesn't judge person from their age,gender,race or anything but their ability and experience because that's all you need to become a good leader. Seriously, come on..Does it matter with our government system if our president a black/white person or female/male? I bet if do have a reason, it maybe because you're from one of the groups and you're not thinking about the sake of this country but for your own. So, in my opinion, the first thing we can do for this country is to participate in political activity like voting and don't just vote but vote for the good of this country.

Monday, October 13, 2008

There's always a sunshine after a big storm

This days might be one of the hardest day in our life. The Dow Jones is down nearly 20 percent this week, its second worst week since December 1914.The credit system is frozen. The banks are afraid to lend anyone money since they’re all run out of money too because people are taking their money from the bank. They’re afraid if they will lose their money. Many people freak out and panic because of the economic crisis we’re facing right now. Wealthy people are afraid of losing their money. Many poeple are questioning what’s going on in our country and some of them are blaming each other for what’s happening right now. Even, The Bailout Bill has already passed the House, the economic condition doesn’t seem to get better but the opposite side it’s getting worse and worse, the Bailout doesnt seem to help as much as we expect it to be, but Larry Kudlow's article in National Review Online, “The Light at the End of the Crisis” said that we have to be tough because all of this things will finally end. The “storm” will not last forever, There’s always a sunshine after a big storm. I think everyone who read his article will think he’s just being optimistic but he didn’t say that with no reason If you read Wall Street Journal op-ed of Friday written by John Steele Gordon, in his article he said that every 20 years there has been a financial panic throughout the American history. Back when the Hamilton was orchestrated the first banking bailout in 1792. From this came a regular money-supply system, a credible U.S. government debt system, and something of a disciplined banking system. What Kudlow is trying to say is we will have a better or stronger financial system after this “disaster” we’re facing if we can survive and work it out together. He also said that we need Government intervention in our free-market-economy system to stabilize the banks. I personally think what he said is true.

Lawrence Kudlow is host of CNBC’s "Kudlow & Company". Kudlow is a nationally syndicated columnist and also hosts his own blog . He is a contributing editor of National Review magazine, as well as a columnist and economics editor for National Review Online.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Save the "Boat" before it sink

I read this article from New York Times,its title is “Rescue the Rescue” and it’s posted by Thomas L.Friedman. He is an American journalist, columnists, and author. He is an OP-ed contributor to the NYT, whose column appears twice weekly and mainly addresses topics on foreign affairs. In this journal, he actually addressed it to wide society or community especially for those who live in the United States. He concerned more to people who disagree with the plan, people who think that the plan is not going to work out well. Some skeptics are calling Henry Paulson’s $700 billion rescue plan for the U.S. financial system “cash for trash.” Friedman said that people don’t realize that they’re the only one who’s gonna suffer from this financial crisis if they opposed the $700 billions bill as they think the’re giving the Wall Street punishment by not helping them out. He said that we’re all connected with one another. In his journal, he claimed that the financial crisis in US was resulted from our own failure, conducted by people in the Wall Street. I personally think that what he said is true. I agree with him about things are connected with one another, we can’t say we don’t care about the Wall Street because the fact is our money or financial life is depends from it too. Just like what he said, “you can’t save Main Street and punish Wall Street anymore than you can be in a rowboat with someone you hate and think that the leak in the bottom of the boat at his end is not going to sink you, too.” So it’s better if we look at this problem wisely and think more about the consequences of any decision you make if it’s going to cost you more or less problem.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

McCain's political strategy

Guys, if you want to know the reason why McCain chosed Gov.Sarah Palin as Republican Vice Presidential candidate, you better check out this article “McCain’s play for female voters” on TIME. It explains a little the reason of Mccalin’s purpose of choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. The choice of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate confused many people. Some of the issues about her are not good, like the issues about her “hot photos” and the news about her pregnant teen daughter,Bristol. But behind all of this issues, it says that McCain’s target is the women voters. He wants to gain more polling by getting the support from as many women as he can. In his introduction of Palin, McCain was quick to highlight Palin's gender, calling her "a devoted wife and mother of five."